Emotions are like passing clouds, sometimes gentle and fleeting, other times chaotic and intense. Emotions are a natural part of the human experience. They ebb and flow, changing like the seasons. For children and adults alike, emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming, leaving them feeling helpless and vulnerable. Dropping Anchor is a practice that encourages a shift in perspective – from attempting to control emotions (or emotional storm) to recognising their temporary nature.


At its core, Dropping Anchor is about grounding oneself during moments of emotional intensity. The anchor can be a physical sensation, such as focusing on the breath or a specific touch point, or a mental focus, like repeating a calming phrase or visualising a serene scene.


Children can benefit greatly from learning the skill of Dropping Anchor. As adults, we play an important role in encouraging open conversations about emotions, normalising their experiences, and emphasising that emotions are a natural part of life. A great way to have start this conversation and teach this skill would be through an activity like creating a calm jar together.


Creating Your Calm Jar:

What you will need:

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  • A clean, clear plastic or glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Warm water.
  • Water-based glue.
  • Glitter or sequins in various colours.
  • Food colouring (optional).


You can also purchase a range of fun Jellystone Calm Down Bottle designs from our website. 

Adding the Magic Ingredients: Start by filling the bottle halfway with warm water. Squeeze in a few drops of food colouring and mix it with water-based glue. Watch as the colours blend, just like the swirl of emotions within us. Sprinkle a generous amount of glitter or sequins into the jar. You can use one colour or a beautiful blend of colours. Gently mix the glitter and water together. As you stir, you can talk with your child about how emotions can sometimes feel stormy, just like the glitter swirling in the jar.


Sealing the Magic: Fill the bottle with more warm water, leaving some space at the top. Seal the lid tightly, and voila! Your Calm Down Jar is ready!


This colourful creation becomes a soothing tool for both adults and children. When emotions start to whirl, take a moment to sit together and watch the colours gently swirling inside the jar. Watch as the glitter swirls around (like the emotional storm within). Encourage your child to take slow, deep breaths as they watch the glitter until it all settles at the bottom. As the glitter begins to settle, explain that this is just like their emotions calming down over time.


Through this activity (making and practicing) you can open up conversations with your child about their feelings, emotions, and experiences. Creating a safe space for them to express themselves, knowing that you're there to listen and support.

All content and information (including resources) provided on this website is general in nature and is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking specific advice or have specific concerns about yourself or your child, please speak to your GP or healthcare professional.